Labour weeded out public finance mess

Issue No: 1007; 9 August 2001

The Fiji Labour Party had managed to weed out the mess in the government's handling of public finances.

Elected Prime Minister and Party Secretary Mahendra Chaudhry stated in the Party's Activities Report:

"Our management and control of public finances showed us as a government determined to weed out inefficiency, wastage and corruption which were rampant in the SVT government. We saved some $23 million by scrapping the purchase of computer hardware and software for the Y2K, Finance Management Information System and Accrual Accounting which were approved by the Rabuka administration."

"At year's end (1999) we had brought down the projected deficit by $50 million - and it looked as if a small surplus would materialise. By the end of the first quarter in 2000, a budget surplus of $47 million had accumulated."

Chaudhry also stated that within 12 months of government, the Fiji Labour Party have managed the following achievements to reduce the cost of living in Fiji:
§ removal of VAT and Customs duty on basic food items (10 - 22%)
§ reduction in electricity charges (16.5%)
§ reduction in water rates (10%)
§ reduction in international phone call charges (10%)
§ housing interest rate on Housing Authority loans reduced from 11% to 6% for low income earners (upto $6500 pa)
§ substantial increases in allocations for Welfare payments

For full details, see:


People's Coalition Government - Fiji Islands
Last update: August 27, 2001