Military rejects pardon call

Issue No: 636; 28 March 2001

The military has rejected the calls made by the SVT and the Nationalists that the terrorists be pardoned.

Today's Fiji Sun quotes the military's spokesman, Captain Ned Taito as saying that the law must take its course for both, the terrorists and those charged with mutiny. He stated: "Basically we have to follow the law and we cannot set a precedent where we allow traditional matters to intervene". He stated that anything concerning traditional approaches for pardon is out of the question as the military maintains that the law has to be followed.

The military was last November rocked by an attempted mutiny. A coup was to be attempted if the mutiny would have succeeded.

Today's' Fiji Sun has strongly condemned the calls for the pardon of the terrorists. The paper stated: "George Speight and his goons must never be set free. They must face the law and answer for their crimes". Blaming the terrorist activities on politicians who lost the 1999 elections, the paper stated that these politicians promised the ordinary people wealth and power if they followed them. "That's what happened to Fiji last year - beginning way beyond May 19".


People's Coalition Government - Fiji Islands
Last update: August 27, 2001