NZ to give $700, 000 for elections

Issue No: 766; 16 May 2001

The Government of New Zealand will provide $700,000 to Fiji to help with the elections scheduled for August this year.

A statement from the NZ Foreign Minister's office stated that the assistance to Fiji is to "help ensure that its General Election in August takes place as scheduled in a free and fair manner".

The statement stated that the NZ government considered it "essential that the election is properly conducted to ensure that Fiji once again has a constitutional government with a clear mandate from the people. Both Fiji and the international community need a process that guarantees that every Fijian regardless of race, colour or creed has the right to cast a free vote.

The statement added: "This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of the May 19 coup. The coup and its after-effects have been disastrous for Fiji. For Fiji to recommence its economic development and to be welcomed back into the international community of nations, a fair and effective election process is crucial."

The NZ Foreign Minister stated: "I hope the August elections will provide a fresh start for Fiji and an outcome that all sections of the population will accept".

The NZ government, however, did not say what would its position be if the will of the people, as expressed in free and fair elections, was not respected by the authorities. Already the authorities and the right wing nationalists have refused to abide by the Fiji Court of Appeal ruling, as well as the decisions of the High Court of Fiji. Many in Fiji believe that the right wing elements, with the support of sections of the military and the police, will again attempt to over turn the will of the people if the result was not to their liking.


People's Coalition Government - Fiji Islands
Last update: August 27, 2001