NLTB wants control over public lands

Issue No: 783 22 May 2001

The Native Land Trust Board wants all land acquired by the state for public purposes returned to the landowners.

A media report states that the NLTB is after the land acquired for the purposes of roads, water pipes, and other infrastructure.

The comments came after landowners had blocked off access to about 800 families at Nabitu in Sigatoka. The NLTB stated that it did not approve that the area over which the road passes be transferred to the state. The NLTB wants the land to remain in the hands of the landowners so that they can continue to extract money at will from residents using the road. The NLTB says that it is unhappy with the money which the landowners derive from the use of the road.

The measure to take over all land used for public purposes is another clearly designed measure to extract more money from the public and the state.


People's Coalition Government - Fiji Islands
Last update: August 27, 2001