The Race


Laisenia Qarase, should at least spare a moment and look at the suffering of our indigenous people rather then spending months in preparing lucrative manifesto's, false promises or hunting for preferential partners only for winning an election.

Fiji is sinking deep into crime. Our educational standards are declining and illiteracy is increasing. There is no shrinking in the inhabitants of our prisons. Violence and suicide have poisoned the perspective of our people and yet Mr. Qarase and his fellow indigenous leaders are unbelievingly dispassionate about the whole affair or its implications on the entire population.

This country is under a constant assault caused by a scourge, which knows no boundaries and tolerates no diversity and, this scourge is racism.

One characteristic of racism is discrimination or to grant special rights and privileges to some racial groups and then to deny the same rights and privileges to other racial groups.

The result of racism has always been a legacy of hate, hardship, misery, and bloodshed.

Hence, (campaign) promises of prosperity, economic success and peace in return for racism by our indigenous leaders are blatant lies, to their own people.

The interim administration is openly encouraging racism by availing parliamentary positions and public funds to racists. Qarase's team is manipulating ethnic, cultural and physical differences to instill fear into our population to spread this evil disease into our society.
Indigenous and Indo-Fijian leaders are not too dumb to notice racism. The recent highly publicized effort by some political parties to recruit a couple of candidates of the "other race" is evidence that the leaders are actually ignoring the existence of racism.

Could this be because of the remuneration it generates for them?
Whatever the case, there is no denying that racism results in disintegrating cultures, poverty, ruined youth, crime, turmoil and even genocide.

Leaders are using racism to exploit the desperate needs of our indigenous for a workable solution to resolve their hardships and suffering. Such a solution however, is a problem masquerading as a solution.

One does not need Einstein's brains to notice that the providers of this solution are the very source of the hardships of our indigenous people.

Qarase's solutions have only resulted in escalating poverty and crime, rising violence, plummeting education standards, religious intolerance, a widespread decline in morals and the collapse of the our social and cultural values.

In fact, every area of society in which the Qarase team claims authority and influence has only worsened because of their presence. Persistent statistical figures are available to make this an easily demonstrable fact.

Such dirty tactics only undermine the real abilities of our indigenous, who are just as competent as any other race on this planet.

It is essential that awareness begins to dawn amongst all Fijians so that Fiji may fully retrieve its right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is essential that leaders direct their strategies towards creating a truly free and safe future for our people, without the destructive use of racism.

Swadesh B Singh


People's Coalition Government - Fiji Islands
Last update: August 27, 2001